The largest apps in the world follow a simple pattern.
Start small -> expand out.
This doesn’t mean small in users or even small in dollars: It means small in features.
You take the least amount of features possible, called your Minimum Viable Product, and get it out there for people to play with.
That’s step 1, and for a ton of companies, that’s it. That first step is what leads to their dreams.
Step 2 is a bit harder, but totally doable: Listen to your users, and build on what they want.
This is how billions are made in apps. Snapchat, Instagram…. this is how it’s done.
Snapchat started with only a few screens and a few features: Record a video, take a photo, write some chat message to someone and follow your friends.
That’s it.
One of the biggest apps the world has ever seen, and this is how it started.
They had, and still have, about 10,000 things on their “wish list” of features, but they didn’t do it yet.
They started small, small with their features, and grew to an absolutely MASSIVE amount of users, and are valued in the BILLIONS of dollars before they started doing anything else!
That’s a huge pro-top to remember: Keep your features minimal at all times.
Look at the world of successful companies: It works.
The next step, step 3, is how it all starts. And most people believe a total lie started by some wannabe guru’s out there.